
Small Tools That Make a Big Difference Around the House

If you’ve recently moved into a new home, chances are you’ve got plenty of little (or big) projects to keep you busy for awhile. Many of these jobs are simple enough as long as you…

Where Do I Mount the TV?

So your wonderful Atlanta movers have got all your valuables unpacked in your new home, including the TV. Now it’s just a matter or where to put it! There are plenty of options when it…

3 Easy Ways to Make Your House Feel Like Home

When you’re in the middle of moving chaos, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or disoriented, even if the new place you’re sleeping is now your “home.” But there are ways to make the new home…

Choosing the Right Paint Colors

Now that your New York City movers have got you all unloaded, you may be ready to start making the house feel like your own. Throwing a little paint on the walls is an easy…

Setting Realistic Expectations for Your House Renovations

When searching for a new home in Miami, it’s easy to get ambitious with renovation ideas. But it may be worth counting the cost before you sign on the dotted line. Before you call your…

Looking for Work in Your New Hometown

Some people move to a new city because of a work-related transition. But others move because of a spouse’s job, family, or another life change.  That means once your Milwaukee movers get your boxes all…

How to Help Maintain Structure During Your Move

It’s easy to feel like you’re coming off the rails during a big move. But people  tend to thrive on structure, especially families with younger children. Our Orange County movers will take care of all…

Home Renovations – When to DIY and When to Hire

It’s easy to get over-zealous when it comes to renovating a new home. But sometimes you realize that you’ve bitten off more than you can chew and it’s time to call in the pros. Whether…

Making the Move Fun

When it comes to moving, “fun” probably isn’t the first word that comes to mind. Maybe “stressful” or “anxiety-ridden,” but usually not “fun.” But we can learn a few lessons from “The Office” and Michael…

Prioritize the Packing

So you’ve got a signed purchase agreement on a new home, and you’re excited to move in. If you decided to do only a partial pack or self pack, you take the lead but we…