
3 Websites for Selling Furniture Before a Big Move

As you are planning a big move, and before you have your Kansas City mover estimate your moving costs, you might want to sell off furniture you no longer want or need. Below are some good ways to accomplish this.


1. The obvious option may be to sell your used furniture on eBay, one of the largest online auction websites in the world. This site gives a great search engine so people can find just what you are selling. They take a commission on sales, but if you have something valuable or rare, it may be worth getting the nation-wide audience. You can auction off your item, or use the “Buy It Now” feature. You can accept credit cards now as EBay is integrated with Pay Pal.

2. The local option is to list your used furniture on Craigslist. This is free and more of a conventional classified ad. There is no regulation of the site, so you have to be careful watch for scammers. You’ll make in-person contact with your buyer, and may have several buyers look at your item before you sell it.

3. is an online community that is a little different from the others. You can post what you have to sell, and others will browse what is for sale in order to find your item. You can also post what you want and have others approach you with their goods.


Once you have your furniture pared down to the bare minimum you want to take on your move, it’s time to invite a Kansas City mover to give you a quote for the costs. Be sure to get several quotes, and choose the mover who feels right on a gut level.


(Photo attributed to Flickr member @thelivingroominkenmore via the creative common license)