
How to Downsize with Less Stress

Knowing you will be calling a Milwaukee mover in the near future can alone cause a twinge of stress. But moving and downsizing–that is a lot to handle for anyone. How can you downsize your life while keeping your cool? Here are some tips for the process:

Give yourself time for mental and emotional processing. Your first step should be to look around at what you already have, and dream about what benefits downsizing will allow. Imagine yourself more carefree and unburdened. Before you dive in and start hunting for apartments, which might trigger a quick move, take time to think about all this change will mean for you internally.

As you need to go through your possessions and get rid of things, you might enjoy doing it with a friend. Maybe there is someone in your life who actually likes the process of preparing a garage sale, and can help you tag and organize obvious things you don’t need, or can’t take, like that overstuffed sectional couch. Make it fun along the way by sharing the experience.

As you do sift through your belongings, honor your feelings about special items that have meaning for you. Create a pile that is non-negotiable (things that are definitely going.) It will give you peace of mind that wherever you move, there will have to be space for these items. This will only work if you are hard on yourself and only keep what is really most important.

Be ready to get rid of the high maintenance things like a pool or large fish tank. Consider what gardening means to you, and if you can downsize to a potted plant garden. Think hard about whether you need a car, or if public transportation can be used.

All these things can seem stressful, but if you are looking at it in a positive way, that you will have a fresh new take on life, you can get through it with ease. You can find your new home and call your Milwaukee mover with confidence.

(Photo attributed to Flickr member @rfduck via the creative common license)