How to Plan an Office Holiday Party
December 19, 2011
How to Plan an Office Holiday Party
Even though you have made plans with a Kansas City mover, and are ready for the move, it is still the holidays, and you may be put upon to plan one last party for the office. Take these tips as advice for making the party a hit for everyone.
Use to create an office survey and email it around. This can poll your co-workers for ideas, determine time and date, and where the party will be. Make sure to check with the boss first. He or she may already have an idea of what plans are best.
Stick to the budget. If you only have money for hors d’oeuvres, then only serve hors d’oeuvres. Determine if you will serve alcohol at the party. If you do, serve foods high in protein and carbohydrates, which slows the absorption of alcohol. Also, close the bar before the party ends.
Plan for atmosphere. Don’t forget that you need to dim the lights and turn on some good music. You want this to be different than standing around the office talking. It should be special in some way.
Make sure everyone knows if spouses and significant others are welcome. Also, inform everyone about the dress. It might be nice to have everyone dress up a little, if your office is casual. On the other hand, people might be happy to wear their weekend clothes. Possibly put that question in the survey.
Plan some activities. You don’t want to annoy people with silly games, but some conversation starters, or games that cause people to laugh can be good.
With these tips, you should be able to pull off a great holiday office party. Once you have that all planned, you can turn your attention back to moving. Call your Kansas City mover and schedule your move.
(Photo attributed to Flickr member @woolennium via the creative common license)
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