Tips For Finding the Ideal Location of Your New Home
June 16, 2014
Ask any real estate agent what the most valuable asset to a home is, and most will tell you the same thing: “Location, location, location.” You can always change rooms, fixtures and finishes in any home, but you cannot change how close you might be to the noisy street in front. Because location is so important to your new home purchase, here are some tips to help you determine the right location for you so you can call your St. Paul movers sooner than later.
Life Stages
Take a moment and think about your priorities in your current life stage. If you’re retired and ready to downsize, you’ll likely be looking for a vastly different location than a family with kids and pets. Making sure you know what you can and can’t sacrifice will help you narrow down areas in your new town pretty quickly.
Map It
It might help to print out a map and circle locations that you’re interested in. Talk through these areas with your realtor or spouse, and research homes in that area to get an idea for price range. Talk about the trends in the area and whether or not you might get a return on your investment down the road. Look at the distance to your most frequent destinations and make sure you are comfortable with the distance. If possible, visit each area and take a walk through the neighborhoods. Sometimes you just have to experience an area firsthand.
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