How to Collect Great Furniture on a Budget
June 27, 2014
Whenever you move into a new home, there’s inevitably some furniture shuffling that has to happen. As everything shakes out, you’ll likely find that some rooms are relatively full, while others still need some work. The bad news is, some of your rooms look pretty bare. The great news is, you get to redecorate and shop for some new furniture. After your New Jersey movers get you all settled, use these tips to fill out your new home on a budget.
Make notes about how you want to decorate each room. Use tools like Pinterest, or do it old-fashioned style and cut pictures out of magazines. Get an idea for what you’re going for in each room, and then you’ll know how to shop. For instance, knowing your color schemes for each room instantly focuses you and eliminates tons of overwhelming options. Plan out your vision, then execute!
Pick your main pieces. You may not be able to drop a grand on every piece of furniture in your room. But you can pick the pieces that will get used the most, and invest in those. If you frequent thrift stores and used furniture stores, you can fill up quite a bit of room with used furniture. And that will help you save a few bucks for those pieces you really want from Ikea.
Be Patient. You don’t have to fill every room in your house right away. Take it one room at a time, hit up the secondhand shops often, and feel free to take your time. Even if you feel goofy for having folding chairs in your sitting room for awhile, in the end you’ll be glad you waited to find what you really want.
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