
The Smart Way to Go Smart (for Your Sale)

The Smart Way to Go Smart (for Your Sale)

If you’ve been wondering whether your new Nest thermostat installation will pay off when it comes time to sell your home, you’ll be excited to know that in many cases, smart features do in fact facilitate a faster sale. According to the 2016 Coldwell Banker Real Estate Smart Home Buyer Marketplace Survey, an overwhelming majority of buyers, 81 percent, reported being more likely to purchase homes with smart technologies already installed. If this statistic has you ready to run out and buy devices for every room, here are a few things to consider first.


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The Value

Selling homes equipped with smart technologies is still a fairly new game, but most realtors seem to agree that the return on investment isn’t exactly seen the same way adding new tile or countertops would be. The true value of having, say, smart lighting or smart sprinkler controls, comes from the way in which your home will stand out from the rest on the market. And of course, better marketability gives you the competitive edge. The addition of smart technology could then very likely equal a faster sale than that of a less smart (dare we say “dumber”) counterpart which may resemble your property in many other ways.



Because the world of smart devices is ever-growing, some potential buyers may feel intimidated or may not appreciate the more advanced and complex options. To ensure you’re making additions which will resonate, stick with smart products consumers recognize, like a Ring doorbell system. User-friendly, familiar devices are key in appealing to buyers.


Security and Privacy

Convenience may be one of the first things we think of with smart devices, but it’s hard to overstate the security benefits these technologies provide, which can definitely be appealing to home buyers. Smart locks obviously fall in this category, and the aforementioned Ring system gives you plenty of bang for your buck. They’re reasonably priced, user-friendly, and importantly, noticeable. (Perhaps you’ve seen the video footage of a potential burglar who, upon spotting the smart device, is deterred and runs off).


Energy Efficiency

You’re also likely to catch the attention of a buyer by promoting any smart devices that will save the homeowner money in the long run. The Nest Thermostat, which boasts savings of 10% to 12% on heating and 15% on cooling, is perhaps one of the most well-known, but several other devices could pique the interest of buyers. Smart Strip power strips, Hydrao Smart Showers (which use light to alert you of your water usage while you shower), and Wink Hubs (which regulate light usage) can help you achieve energy efficiency and might just be the tools which set your home apart from all others on the market.


Whichever devices you choose, know that when you’re ready to move, calling Beltmann is a smart choice!